Little Ivory Haus Self Publishing Courses

Self Publishing a Children's Book Course By Laura Feldman

I self-published a book that sold over 4,000 copies in just over four months and quickly became a #1 International Best Seller! My courses are based on real experience, with real results!

Laura Feldman - Australian Childrens Book Author

After writing and self publishing her first two international best sellers, Laura is now on a mission to empower aspiring authors to bring their children’s picture books to life through the highly recommended Self Publishing a Children’s Picture Book Course.
With over 600 members within 12 months, seeing aspiring authors bring their first books to life makes her happier than a kid in a toy shop!

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It's time to turn your passion into profit!

Already a Self Published Author?

Level up your marketing game with Marketing 101 For Self published Authors.

A comprehensive course on how to market your self-published books that will teach you everything you need to know, and more!

Or... are you just getting started and thinking about publishing that story?

Self Publishing a Children's Book Course

Let’s get that story out of your head and into an actual printed book!

A comprehensive online course that answers all of your questions about how to self publish a children’s picture book.

* How to find and work with illustrators?

* How to format a book?

* Where to print a self published book?

* How can I make a passive income from self published books?

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